creatively accompanied. explore something new. look forward.

Solution-Focused Art Therapy Workbook
for trauma healing and PTSD recovery
solution-oriented painting therapy
about the painting therapy accompaniment
"Rahel Brügger knows how to accompany empathetically and introduce helpful methods in a loving way. She takes individual needs and personality into account and competently supports the therapeutic process." JB, 21/05
to the Art Therapy Workbook (DE and EN)
"At first the emotion didn't want to go away until I realized that I was trying to paint it away and not feel it. I changed my posture and said to myself in the rhythm of my breathing: The emotion is there - it's OK. And then I slowly felt relief. And lightness came. So beautiful!" NP, 24/10
Together with various partners, the praxis-mal-raum promotes psychological and physical well-being in Switzerland.
You will find further helpful offers for your health
Read here about topics related to painting therapy, health promotion, mental well-being and how we can manage our lives well and healthily in today's world.
Kronenplatz 21, 5600 Lenzburg